Discover How To Create High-Value Profit-Making Resources By Organizing Existing Information
“Curation Monetized” is a monthly newsletter that showcases real-world examples of profitable projects that generate revenue by gathering and organizing information around a specific subject.
What’s the Big Deal
The elephant in the room that few online entrepreneurs are paying attention to is the amount of opportunities opening up as a consequence of:
the overabundance of info available online and
the difficulty to rapidly find relevant, in-depth and well-vetted collections of resources that tackle specific issues.
Key Benefits
The key advantages of subscribing to this newsletter are:
1) Discover real-world projects that create high-value profit-making resources by organizing existing info.
2) Become aware of the types of problems / niches they operate in.
3) See at-a-glance their pricing and business models.
4) Get ideas on the types of content formats that can be used.
For Who?
“Curation Monetized” is for indie entrepreneurs, and in particular for:
subject-matter experts,
content curators,
trainers and teachers in any field.
Individuals in these fields are generally a step-ahead in understanding how to search, verify, collect and organize relevant information, because their own existing profession requires it.
Thus they are the best qualified candidates to launch commercial online apps, resources and tools that leverage the increasing value of a qualified selection over the overabundance of info and the difficulty to find, in a short time, what one really needs.
What For?
My goal is to guide and inspire indie entrepreneurs in appreciating the growing opportunities offered by the curation of specific bodies of information for specific audiences and purposes.
Whether through apps, services, directories, catalogs or news streams, the ability to act as a trustable filter to access specific, pre-validated info, can save huge amounts of time to other people while providing a strategic asset for decision-making.
My wish is that with the examples and insights I will present in each issue will convince and motivate more people to initiate projects based on the research, collection and organization of specific information.
Who Am I?
Nice to meet you. My name is Robin Good and I am an independent author and entrepreneur online. I have been writing online since 2001 at the crossroad of effective communication and new technologies.
For 12 years (2002-2014) I have been the publisher of MasterNewMedia an online digital magazine in multiple languages.
I have been the first Italian in 2008 to invoice over a million dollars to Google, thanks to the content curation business model I used.
In 2017 ROI Edizioni has published my book “da Brand a Friend” (in Italian only for now - looking for an English publisher). In the book I illustrate in layman terms an online marketing strategy based on authenticity, niche positioning, value sharing and building long-lasting relationships.
I have researched and written extensively on the topic of content curation. Here a few pointers to some of my work:
I am here to provide a service.
I am also here to make new friends.
Feel free to contact me directly at
Robin Good